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Tune® Home FAQs

Tune® Home + installation

For the technically minded, Tune® Home is a passive inductive device that removes frequencies of electric current from non-linear loads that are not within the 60Hz fundamental waveform. For the rest of us, Tune® cleans the heat-generating noise in your electrical system created by your modern electronics.

A typical installation takes 15 to 30 minutes by a qualified electrician. Complete installation instructions are provided with each Tune® purchase. On request, technical assistance is available to support your successful installation via video or phone support.

A single Tune® properly installed should last between 8 to 10 years before any of the inductors’ windings open up and provide no inductance of the neutral.

None, it is an inductor connected in parallel to all of the neutral wire connections on the neutral bus bar.

Our goal with Tune® is not to consume electricity. There is no app or other interface. You can measure the current on the lead wires using a hand-held meter to confirm the current is flowing through Tune® to know that it's working. Measurement of the current flow through the device is recorded during installation.

Tune® is installed in parallel on the neutral bus bar, working silently to reduce distortion and heat. If the Tune® quits working, the rest of the electricity in the panel continues as though the filter was never installed.

Be sure to check with your provider whether installing Tune® might affect your policy. Your policyholder may insist on upgrades to the most current standards, whether for this installation or if you are performing other upgrades or remodels. In fact, there could be incentives from companies that cover appliance insurance because of the extended life it provides.

Most homes require one Tune® device. In some cases, additional Tune® devices will be needed for breaker boxes that feed hot tubs, shop buildings, etc.

Tune® Home + harmonics

Any electronics that convert AC power to DC and back to AC will cause distortions to the 60Hz fundamental frequency sine wave. These distortions or the creation of additional currents are also called 'noise,' defined as the harmonic content of the particular electric loads. The compounding of noise in the circuit finds its way to the neutral as that is the return path of the circuit. This noise has been part of the electrical distribution system since the 1980s and is an increasing problem globally due to our modern electronics.

In electrical engineering, the power factor of an AC electrical power system is defined as the ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the apparent power in the circuit. It is a dimensionless number in the closed interval of -1 to 1. A power factor of less than one means that the voltage and current waveforms are not in phase, reducing the instantaneous product of the two waveforms (V x I). Real power is the capacity of the circuit for performing work at a particular time. Apparent power is the product of the current and voltage of the circuit.

Due to energy stored in the load and returned to the source or due to a non-linear load that distorts the wave shape of the current drawn from the source, the apparent power will be greater than the real power. A negative power factor occurs when the device (usually the load) generates energy, which flows back towards the source, which is generally considered the generator. In an electric power system, a load with a low power factor draws more current than a load with a high power factor for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher currents increase the energy lost in the distribution system and require larger wires and other equipment. Because of the costs of larger equipment and wasted energy, electrical utilities will usually charge higher costs to industrial or commercial customers with a low power factor. Inductive loads with low lagging power factors (such as induction motors) can be corrected with a passive network of phase-to-phase capacitors. Non-linear loads, such as rectifiers, variable speed drives, switch-mode power supplies, etc., distort the current form and exhibit leading power factor loads. Just like the use of capacitors that correct power factor on lagging power factor loads, inductors correct the power factors on leading power factor loads.

The Tune® is an inductive transformer device. There are no capacitors. Tune® reduces the noise created outside the fundamental 60Hz frequency. Tune® makes no claims to be a power factor correction device, only to reduce noise outside the fundamental frequency.

Multiple articles confirm that leading power factor loads, capacitive in nature, create sine wave frequencies outside the 50 and 60Hz fundamental frequencies. These articles conclude that installing a passive, inductive filter can reduce the noise caused by these loads and, as a result, reduce electric kWh consumption in a building.

Yes, several third-party, independent energy engineering firms have provided reports on multiple installations about the positive impact of Tune®. These reports are prepared to ASHRAE and IPMVP standards, using regression analytics and paired-T analysis. The reports' confidence factors are over .9. The confidence rating in each statistical report where 1.0 is perfect and .80 or higher is considered statistically relevant.

Tune® Home + operation

The first Tune® devices were installed in 2012, and the USPTO issued the patent in August 2017. Inductors have been around for over 100 years but have never been applied in this manner.

We have installed hundreds of Tune® devices in the USA. Case Studies are available.

Tune® does not trick the meter. It removes noise from the circuits on the breaker box.

Evidence and research suggest that modern smart meters can read the noise or distortion, which can cause errors in their readings, resulting in excess kWh charges and higher demand charges.

The utility company charges you for the power you use based on the monthly readings of an electric meter that measures the current passing through the service entrance into your electrical service panel. The meter can either be a mechanical analog meter read monthly by a utility service person or a newer digital meter that may send information via internet or radio signals.

Examples of non-linear loads on a power system are rectifiers (such as those used in a power supply) and arc discharge devices such as fluorescent lamps, electric welding machines, or arc furnaces. Because the current in these systems is interrupted by a switching action, the current contains frequency components that are multiples of the power system frequency. The distortion power factor measures how much the harmonic distortion of a load current decreases the average power transferred to the load. Sinusoidal voltage and non-sinusoidal current give a distortion power factor of 0.75 for a computer power supply load.

Tune® Home + safety

UL (Underwriter's Laboratory) certification was established in 2013 under file #E464646. UL has safety tested the product, and there have not been any incidents reported to us about Tune® as it relates to safety. Correct installation is always paramount to safety.

Tune® Home warranty + info

There is a Limited 3-year Manufacturer's Warranty for your Tune®. You can view the terms of the warranty here.

We consider cost and efficiency when shipping orders of multiple devices, with an option to ship up to four per box.

Yes, a patent has been issued for the Tune® filter along with additional patents pending for expanded research. Tune® was awarded its patent and registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in 2017. Ongoing research requires additional patent filings since the body of knowledge continues to expand.